Dinosaurs In The Dollhouse: Interpreting Themes in Play Therapy
Learn how to identify, interpret, and make meaning out of play therapy themes in nondirective play therapy!
What does it all mean?
You have a kid on your caseload that has been playing a battle where nobody ever seems to win for the last five sessions. Another client pushes sand around in the tray with construction equipment but never says a word. You have another client who wants to set up the dollhouse but never really gets into any “real play”.
Some sessions have a lot of movement and battles, sometimes you get put in handcuffs or time out, and yet others you are preparing 10 course meals. Sometimes you feel like you are just acting out the latest Disney movie.
You're left feeling overwhelmed and not sure how to put together the pieces of what happened during these sessions and why it is meaningful for therapeutic growth, progress, and healing. Your not sure how to figure out what children are trying to communicate and express during play.
How does playing in the kitchen link to a child's symptoms of difficulty with regulation and outbursts?
Am I even doing anything here?
You’re left feeling ineffective and like you're “just playing” with kids. You’re not sure how to tell if what you are doing is really helping and if the kids in your playroom are making progress.
Parents are wanting to know how your sessions are going and how this “play therapy thing” is even helping. They might think that their child needs a different type of therapy where they can “talk it out”.
You meet with parents who want concrete results and you’re not sure how to explain how playing with dinosaurs or in the kitchen is helping process and resolve the very big difficulties like anger, anxiety, and trauma that brought them into the playroom in the first place.
You need a road map.
The specific steps to give you confidence, clarity, and understanding of how to identify a play theme, what the theme actually means, and how to use play themes to help with healing and growth, to assess progress, and bridge the gap between the playroom and the real world.
What if you could feel confident in understanding and interpretation of play themes?
What would it be like for you to leave your play therapy sessions feeling like you had the most effective facilitative responses in session because you truly understood what was happening in the play?
What would it be like to have a clear understanding of what the child was attempting to communicate during the session and know the specific play themes they were expressing?
How would that impact your confidence with children and parents? Confidence in yourself as a therapist? Belief that you are doing amazing work and the power of nondirective play therapy as an effective modality to heal children?
Now imagine this…
How would it change your practice to have clarity on play sequences and themes? To answer the question "what does it all mean" with confidence?
This course Dinosaurs In The Dollhouse: Interpreting Themes in Play Therapy holds your hand and creates a concrete roadmap for the specific steps to identify and interpret play themes and how to use this knowledge to deepen the play therapy process.
Inside the course you will learn:
Want to learn more? Check out the details below!
CE Information:
This course is approved for 3.5 APT Non-Contact hours by Meehan Mental Health Services (APT Approved Provider 19-580).
Learning Objectives:
Course Format: Train when it works for you! This course is a pre-recorded online self paced course where the modules are broken up into smaller digestible chunks that can be completed during a client cancellation, on the weekends, early in the morning, late at night - whenever! You can login at your own pace, re-watch content, and have unlimited access to the course. This course is designated "Non-Contact" by the Association for Play Therapy.
Who should attend: This program is a beginning to intermediate course for any Play Therapist who wants to increase confidence in theme interpretation in non-directive play therapy.
Cost: $87.00
Introduction and Handouts
MMHS Dinosaurs In The Dollhouse Handouts B + W
MMHS Dinosaurs In The Dollhouse Handouts COLOR
MMHS Play Therapy Guide To Identifying Play Themes
MMHS CCPT Skills Session Cheat Sheet
MMHS How to Know if CCPT is Working
Developmental Tasks Handout
MMHS Course Disclaimer
Module 1: Theory
Module 2: Importance of Play Themes
Module 3: Identifying Themes
Module 3: Interpreting Play Themes
Module 4: Theme Clarity
Module 5: Case Examples
BOUNS: CCPT Child Centered Play Therapy Themes Mini Master Class
Getting Your APT CEs